Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blind Buddha Guitars in Guitar World Magazine

This really isn't about the band Slipknot, but it could be.  This is the current issue of Guitar World magazine with Slipknot on the cover. There's an article about Slash and Joe Bonamassa, too, but the real reason to pick up this issue is on one page in the back. 
This is a Blind Buddha Guitar in the current issue of Guitar World magazine. Weird it may be, it's still pretty awesome to see one of the guitars here. 
Do you think Slipknot or Slash or Joe Bonamassa were as thrilled to be in here? I bet we won that contest. ;) 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Special Order Blind Buddha Guitar

Vintage EKO inlaid guitar neck
Antique Flemish Box

This beautiful vintage Blind Buddha Guitar is now in Texas with Frank, a 6'7" Vietnam Vet, retired Army, Federal Marshal (like Tommy Lee in the Fugitive, but the real deal). We hope is is enjoying it as much as we did. Thanks, Frank! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

New Antique Wardrobe

Just picked up our new antique wardrobe from The Furniture Girl a few blocks away. Funny how the name gradually changed from wardrobe to armorie. All fancy and stuff. Like when did a master bath become an ensuite? Probably for the same reason, the price. 
The BMH moving and everything else 1968 Rooster Run Chevy C110 pick up, pretty cool isn't it? Bought it on eBay, no lie. Shipped out from back east or the mid west, I don't remember.  All that great hand painting was on it. Rooster Run, Ky is an actually place. I've managed to find snap back hats, thimbles, a clock, jacket a T-shirt and more. Funny thing is that one of the T-shirts was in England. 

Moving it from The Furniture Girl's shop, a few blocks away was easier than what came next. 
Rearranging to find it's just right spot was what took time. Of course the temp was in the near 90's and this old house has a large tree for shade, instead of AC, so I was hot and tired by the time I finished all the moving and cleaning. Funny how it was like dominos falling... move one and you have to move three other things. 